The struggles seem to be endless for Ram Charan and Shankar as there is now a new roadblock. Earlier, the art director Ramakrishna was sacked by the production house for some unknown reason leading to the stoppage of the shoot. They later roped in National Award-winning Production designer Ravinder Reddy.
Ravinder Reddy who is known for films like Eega, Magadheera, and so on was roped into work on RC15. But now it is being reported that he has exited from the film due to differences with producer Dil Raju.
After Ravinder Reddy took over as production designer, he started scouting for locations to build a lavish university in Hyderabad for the film’s next schedule which was supposed to commence in July. He found some vacant land in Shamshabad and started building the university set there.
However, during the construction of sets as well, the creative differences and logistical differences kept escalating. Ravinder said that there were compatibility issues between his team and Dil Raju’s team. He also said that no one from Dil Raju’s team responded to any queries leading to a compromise in quality.
Owing to all of these reasons, Ravinder decided to quit his role as production designer. Sources also tell us that Dil Raju is okay with this decision. The university set is ready however and the shooting needs to be commenced. Shankar is currently busy with the shooting of Indian 2 and will get back to RC15 only after the next schedule of Indian 2.