Super Star Mahesh Babu set the social media on fire on Thursday by posting pictures of his stunning makeover. Taking to his Twitter account, he shared pictures from his gym and flaunted his chiseled body. Fans of Mahesh Babu are awed by looking at the pictures of their favorite hero in his fittest look.
Several netizens and Mahesh fans commented on his new makeover, “Unwinding himself to reveal the beast” and many more elevating words.
Mahesh Babu was last seen in the 2022-Telugu film Sarkaru Vaari Paata. The film received mixed response on the first day, but it sustained at the box office and generated good revenue by grossing over 150 Crores.
Mahesh is currently shooting for his 28th film with Trivikram, the third film in the combination of Mahesh Babu Trivikram. It is also one of the most anticipated movies in Tollywood. Trivikram and Mahesh will reunite after 12 years, and fans have placed plenty of expectations on this project. Pooja Hegde and Sree Leela will appear as the female leads in this project directed by Trivikram.
After that, Mahesh will work with SS Rajamouli. The movie’s genre is reported to be set in a forest adventure backdrop. Meanwhile, Rajamouli is busy with Oscar promotions of RRR.
RRR’s song Naatu Naatu is nominated for the Oscars 2023 in the Best Original song category. The song is competing against This Is A Life from Everything Everywhere All At Once; Applause from Tell It Like A Woman; Hold My Hand from Top Gun: Maverick; Lift Me Up from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.
The 95th Academy Awards will be held live at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on March 12, 2023.