Shahrukh Khan stands in a major dilemma. It is widely known that Bollywood Superstar Shah Rukh Khan has made a massive comeback last year. Pathaan and Jawan were all time blockbusters at the box office. However, his third film, in 2023, did not see the desired result. Now, the latest reports strongly suggest that Shahrukh Khan stands in a major dilemma on deciding for his next film.
As said above, after a big gap, Shahrukh gave a solid comeback in 2023 with all time blockbusters Pathaan and Jawan but Dunki had disappointed a little bit but overall 2023 was a dreamy year for any big star. Shahrukh Khan is said to be in a bit of confusion on selecting his followers films.
As per the plan, the Pathaan actor had to start shoot for the film “The King” alongside daughter Suhana Khan and in March Tiger Vs Pathaan was set to start. But due to the bad result of Tiger 3, Tiger vs. Pathaan was put on hold and a few reports recommended that the film was shelved as well.
Now the inside reports from Bollywood circles state that the King Khan Shahrukh has put the film “The King” on hold as well. It seems like the Star is in a big dilemma in selecting his next project. Currently, in Bollywood only stars are pulling the numbers and even those films must carry the buzz to pull audiences towards the theaters.
Even Shahrukh Khan’s previous film, Dunki was affected because of zero buzz. Recently, Aamir Khan’s Lal Singh Chaddha aand Salman Khan’s Tiger 3 were also impacted with the same reason. So Shahrukh Khan wants to set a film that will get immediate craze.