Tamil Actor Vijay who is currently working on his upcoming film, The Greatest of All Time is in need of a producer for his next film. This will also be his final film before he enters politics officially. He has also officially announced his retirement in a press note. The Actor listened to many scripts and finally okayed the script narrated by H. Vinoth.
As said, the duo is finding it difficult to have a producer. The sole reason for this is the remuneration quoted by Vijay. He is expected to quote around 250 crores. Earlier, D.V.V. Danayya was supposed to be the producer of this film but he backed off. There are also talks happening with KVN Productions but nothing has been finalised.
The major reason for producers not getting involved also happens to be director H.Vinoth who is a newcomer and doesn’t have a brand name like Atlee, Lokesh Kanagaraj, Nelson etc.,. Vijay factor may work out to an extend but it’s the Director who has to make sure things work well. We have already seen Nelson going wrong badly with Beast. So, we’ll have to see if Vijay changes the director or brings any producer for the film.