Some while ago, it was announced that Naga Chaitanya and Vikram Kumar would be joining hands again for a project. While everyone thought it would be for a film, it was revealed that it will be a series, titled ‘Dootha’. Rumored to be a horror-thriller series, Dootha has been in the works for quite some time now.
The series, which has been produced by Amazon Prime Studios was announced a long time ago but there still has been no news regarding the same. In a recent press interaction, Naga Chaitanya revealed that the shooting part of the film has been completed long back.
He added, “We have completed the entire work. The work is now pending from the Prime Video team. They will take some time to dub the film in other languages.” He also revealed that he recently met with the team and, according to the team, Naga Chaitanya’s Dootha will release on OTT in the month of August.
This will be the third time that Naga Chaitanya and Vikram Kumar will be working together. They previously scored a blockbuster with Manam but their second venture Thank You, disappointed the audiences. Now, it is to be seen what they do with Dootha.
As of now, Naga Chaitanya is very busy promoting his next film, Custody, which will release in theatres on May 12th.