Red Chillies Entertainment is Shahrukh Khan’s own production company. For many years, Gaurav Verma has served as CEO, overseeing the production. The recent film Dunki is produced by Shahrukh Khan and Rajkumar Hirani. The movie is made on a reasonable budget, which works for both parties. Even though the movie failed to generate bigger numbers, the reasonable budget works in its favor
But after the release of Dunki, it received bad fame for Shahrukh Khan in the name of corporate booking. Many people in the industry, directly or indirectly, targeted him in the name of corporate bookings. All trade analysts officially wrote that both Salaar and Dunki opted for corporate bookings
Dunki fails to create the buzz as the promotional strategy of releasing Drop 1, Drop 2 does not work. This impacted the film a lot. The Bollywood media reported that differences are happening between Shahrukh Khan and Gaurav Verma after the release of Dunki. They also reported Shahrukh Khan fired Gaurav Verma. But everyone thought it was speculation, but now it’s an official note.
Shahrukh Khan currently has not signed any film yet. Two films were planned for this year: one is Pathaan vs. Tiger, which was shelved after the bad result of Tiger 3. Another film is with his daughter, which is also said to be put on hold. Shahrukh Khan seems to want to deliver an all-time blockbuster again. He is taking time to commit to another film