In the 75th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu, Prince Yawar fighting for the eviction free pass while challenging five housemates was the main highlight. Also, Shivaji and Shobha Shetty had a fiery argument regarding the winner’s decision in the task.
Before that, the 75th Episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 started with the housemates dancing to the Bullet song from Ram Pothineni’s Warrior. After that, Shivaji helped Priyanka Jain in the kitchen work. Ashwini and Pallavi Prashanth discussed the latter’s journey in the house.
Then, the BB gave a new task to Arjun Ambati, who won the eviction free pass. Bigg Boss said that Arjun will have to defend against the housemates ranked from number one to five.
Arjun selected Prince Yawar as his competitor as the latter was present in nominations. Finally, Yawar won the first challenge and took the eviction free pass from Arjun. After that, Yawar was instructed to defend his eviction-free access with other housemates.
Then, in the 75th episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Prince Yawar fought against Pallavi Prashanth, Shobha Shetty, Priyanka Jain, and Shivaji in various challenges to win the eviction free pass. Shobha Shetty and Pallavi Prashanth were the Sanchaalaks for the task.
Shivaji and Shobha Shetty were involved in an intense argument and yelled at each other as Shivaji felt Shobha had made an unfair decision. Shivaji also argued with Pallavi Prashanth. The decision still needs to be completed on who the winner is, as Shobha cited silly reasons to push Priyanka as the winner.