Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal was released on 26th January on Netflix amidst massive anticipation. The film has recreated the magic of its theatrical run and is trending on top of all the charts. Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, Animal has emerged as all-time record holder with record viewership in two weeks.
In its 1st week starting from 26th January, Animal emerged as the most-watched movie on OTT. It continued the same record in the second week too for 10 days. In this period, Animal registered 39.3 million hours of viewership on Netflix.
Animal has also surpassed another recent Netflix release Salaar. Salaar did not get released in the Hindi version which is also one of the reasons for its numbers not nearing Animal. Despite this, the numbers of Ranbir Kapoor and Sandeep Reddy Vanga are mind-blowing and miles ahead of any other Netflix release of recent times.
For comparison, RRR had 25.5M in 10 days and Jawan clocked 25.5M hours of viewership in 11 days. Animal has broken all existing records by a big margin. The action entertainer is trending on no.1 in its 2nd week as well and has maintained its position at the top in India. It is at the 3rd position [non-English] films globally.