Vijay’s Father criticizes Lokesh Kanagaraj for arrogant behavior. S.A. Chandrasekhar, the renowned writer and director, is also the father of Tamil Superstar Thalapathy Vijay. He is known for a few controversies in the past, and once again in the news for commenting on Leo’s director. Vijay’s Father criticizes Lokesh Kanagaraj for arrogant behavior.
At a recent movie promotional event, Chandrasekhar said that” Everyone will say a thousand things about me. When I listen to the story, I don’t listen to the story as Vijay’s father. As a casual fan, I will listen and get clarification on doubts. But now no one gives respect to the screenplay. They think that as long as they have a hero, they can make a film any way they want. If you ask why, the audience has started watching movies for the hero. All the story is unnecessary.
The film runs because of the hero. So with this, the director believes that he is a great person. I say what comes to mind. I am telling you that these films will be a big hit when they have a good storyline. Recently, I saw the first copy of a film 5 days before its release. Then I called the director of the film and mentioned to him that the first half was super.
But the director of the film, who had been listening to me until I told that the second half was not right. Then he said that he was eating, and he hung up the phone, and never called back. I said that the religious belief and the father wanting to kill his son in the film are all unreal. After the release of the film, everyone sneered at it. They could have listened to me and changed it 5 days earlier. They do not have the courage or maturity to bear the criticism I have given them”.
Though Vijay’s father did not mention anyone’s name, everyone understood he spoke about Leo’s Director, Lokesh Kanagaraj. The directors should consider and respect all the feedback, as Vijay’s father said. Becuase after the release, the movie has received the same response for second half as everyone felt the same that the flashback episode of Leo movie was illogical.
Surprisingly, after receiving negative feedback for the flashback portion, Lokesh Kanagaraj and team came up with a new reason that the entire flashback portion was not true, and it was just the perception of a character. This response from the Leo unit faced backlash from the audiences.
However, even though the film received mixed response, Leo, the movie did well at the box office with combination craze and LCU hype. Leo collected the biggest numbers in Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj’s career with near to 600Cr Gross.