Versatile actor Chandra Mohan passed away this morning. Mallampalli Chandra Mohan, a veteran actor in the Telugu film industry, died today. He was 82 years old. He died this morning at 9.45 a.m. in a private hospital in Jubilee Hills. Chandra Mohan was being treated for cardiac problems for a few days. The funeral of Chandra Mohan Garu will be held in Hyderabad on Monday. Versatile actor Chandra Mohan passed away, leaving his loved ones in deep sorrow.
He was a multi-award-winning actor who received multiple Nandi awards. He began his career in 1966 with Rangula Ratnam Movie and never looked back. He has worked with actresses such as Sridevi, Jayaprada, and Jayasudha in his prime days and has continued as an actor over three decades, donning many memorable roles.
Chandramohan was born Mallampalli Chandrasekhara Rao on May 23, 1943, in the tiny town of Pamidimukkala in Andhra Pradesh’s Krishna region. He made an indelible impact on Telugu films as an actor.
Chandra Mohan is survived by his wife, Jalandhara, and two daughters. He is the younger brother of legendary director K Viswanath. Chandra Mohan’s last rituals will take place on Monday, November 13th. Tollywood is grieving the untimely death of a talented actor, and the deepest sympathies of Track Tollywood are extended to Chandra Mohan’s family.