Tollywood tries to counter the media, but it backfires with flop films. In recent days, the top producers in the Telugu film industry started countering the media with solid punches and satires during movie events, but they are countering with bad films, which is backfiring on them. Even a few directors who looked confident in the media interactions faced bad results after the release.
Seeing all this, one feels that though Tollywood tries to counter the media, it backfires with flop films. During Rangabali’s promotions, Naga Shaurya did an interview with comedy actor Satya where they satirized the media, but after the release, the team had a successful meeting, and the media countered back, which resulted in Naga Shaurya walking from the press meet midway.
Praveen Sattaru, the director of Varun Tej’s Gandeevadhari Arjuna, also fired on the media before the release and confidently said the movie would be a huge blockbuster. It was not a deficit for the producer, but it misfired very severely as the film became a big failure at the box office.
Recently, there was a war between media and producer Naga Vamsi regarding the reviews in the Aadikeshava pre-release event. However, the movie became a big disaster at the box office. The idea of countering the media is correct, but it is necessary at what stage they are doing it. As the movies are misfiring, the makers become the troll material for media people after release.