Vivek Agnihotri, who directed the successful yet controversial movie The Kashmir Files, recently shared his thoughts on what he thought went wrong with Prabhas and Om Raut’s Adipurush with the media. He said that the stories of faith must be made with solid beliefs in them, and they should not be taken up just like that.
Adipurush, the Om Raut’s directorial has been universally criticized for the wrong portrayal of an epic Ramayana, poor quality VFX and below – par dialogues. Initially, the movie, which featured Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, and Saif Ali Khan in key roles, raked in sensational numbers, but soon fell flat at the box office. Vivek Agnihotri, the director of The Kashmir Files, spoke to the media about what he believed actually went wrong with Adipurush.
Talking more about it, Vivek said, “When you make something you don’t believe in, just because it is working nowadays, you are definitely going to go wrong. When you pick up stories of faith, either you yourself should have a 100% conviction or you should be well versed in the subject like a historian, but unfortunately, no one does that in India.”
“If someone comes on screen and says, Hey, I’m God, it doesn’t make you God. If you are being driven home drunk every night, you cannot turn around tomorrow and say I’m God, believe me. Nobody is going to believe that. People are not idiots,” he finished.