SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali apart from fetching gigantic box office numbers and bringing Tollywood prominently on the world map, brought another massive change. This change was in the thought process of filmmakers and actors. Mani Ratnam has famously attributed the decision to shoot his dream project on such a large scale to SS Rajamaouli and his vision.
While the success of Baahubali has given wings to the dreams of many, it has also shattered several plans. The pan india success of the Baahubali series has led to the rise of non-theatrical business and OTT and other languages satellite rights. Several directors and heroes are forcing the producers to put on a massive budget for their projects.
Now even for tier-2 films, the normal budget has crossed Rs 60Cr and for tier 1 films, the budget has crossed Rs 200Cr. The producers and buyers are getting badly impacted as many times they are being forced to overshoot the limits under the illusion of making a pan-India film. In fact, in many cases, some films are bearing massive losses because of pan-India compulsion. Had some movies been made only in Telugu, they would have at least cut down budgets and fetched the makers some profits.