Thaman faces criticism following Mani Sharma’s recent comments on handling multiple movies in the latest interview. There have been continuous complaints about music director Thaman in the industry; even the audiences feel that Thaman is committing to numerous films simultaneously, but still, he is not giving the proper work. Thaman faces criticism following Mani Sharma’s recent comments on handling multiple movies.
Most recent music from Thaman is not working as before, and only a few songs have worked. He cites multiple reasons for the criticism that music cannot be good without soul in the film’s scenes. Still, it is a one-sided analysis because committing to a movie is his own decision, and he should not delay the film and not try to find some random reasons after the music does not work.
Recently, the renowned music director Mani Sharma participated in an interview to explain how he handled multiple movie pressures and delivered the perfect music within time. He said one should only commit if he can provide the required output on time.
Mani Sharma said he enjoyed working on more than ten films at his peak form. Now, the netizens are comparing this statement and criticizing Thaman, saying that he should follow and take inspiration from Mani Sharma and work like him rather than citing silly reasons for his work.