It is very well known that Victory Venkatesh and young director Sailesh Kolanu have collaborated for a film, Saindhav. The movie is expected to go on to the sets from April 1st week. The film has already created excellent buzz with its title glimpse. Now, according to the latest reports, the makers are approaching Tamil Hero Arya for an important character in the team in the film.
Arya has a a wonderful image as an actor, and he has impressed with his performance in negative roles like Vishal’s Enemy. We also saw him in the main villan role in Allu Arjun’s Varudu (2010). It will be very interesting to see him against Venkatesh, and the audience will love this combination for sure.
The film is written and directed by the HIT franchise director Sailesh Kolanu and produced by Venkat Boyanapalli under the Niharika Entertainment banner. The first glimpse of the film Saindhav showed Venkatesh in an entirely new avatar after his last comical appearance in the comedy entertainer F3: Fun and Frustration.
We see Venkatesh in a bearded, dynamic manner carrying a gun, entering a city called Chandraprastha with medicine in his hand. With fights, blasts, and blood, the first look of Saindhav has given fans and audiences alike a glimpse into what we can expect from the film. The shooting of the film will begin from April 1st week.
This will be the first pan India film from Venkatesh, and the producers are confident in producing it on a large scale. We wish they will be successful in their attempt and the news of Arya joining this film will become true.