Tamannah recently went public about her relationship with actor Vijay Verma. The couple reportedly fell in love on the sets of Lust Stories 2 and have been spotted several times over the course of the last two months on their dinner dates and drives. The actress whose recent web series ‘Jee Karda’ attracted great attention for the steamy scenes revealed that Vijay brings calmness to her life. “He’s a person who I care about deeply and yeah, he’s my happy place,” she explained.
When asked about her marriage plans, she said, “I feel you should get married when you want to get married. Marriage is a big responsibility. It’s not a party. It takes a lot of work, and so is having a plant, having a dog, or having kids. So when you are ready for a responsibility like that which is important then you do it. Not because time or sab kar rahe hain toh karlo.”
“When I started working years back it was like an actress’ career span was only for 8-10 years. So I did the math and was like by the age of 30 I would have finished working, married, and would have two kids. I had not planned post-30. So, when I actually became 30 years old, I realised that I am just born, it was like a purna janam, I felt like a brand new baby,” she further added.
Tamannah will be next seen in Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar along with Rajinikanth’s Jailer. Her Netflix web series Lust Stories 2 alongside Vijay Verma is slated to release on 29th June.