Tamil actor Mansoor Ali Khan’s derogatory remarks against Trisha Krishnan have been met with strong opposition and condemnation from industry insiders. Trisha herself took to social media and stated she was absolutely appalled by this statement and termed them “sexist, disrespectful, misogynistic, repulsive and in bad taste.”
Director Lokesh Kanagaraj who directed Mansoor Ali Khan in Leo also spoke in the actress’ support so did Karthik Subbaraj and singer Chinmayee Sripada.
It has been 2 days since Trisha has condemned Mansoor Ali Khan’s comments on her. Lokesh Kanagaraj, many actresses, and other industry people have supported Trisha in this matter. But till now no action has been taken from the Kollywood Producers Council or the Movie Artists Association Chinmayi posted about the lack of action from the organisations and questioned their hesitation about it.
Thankfully, the National Commission for Women has taken note of this incident and directed Tamil Nadu police to file an FIR against Mansoor Ali Khan for his comments. The NCW posted on Twitter :
“It is deeply concerned about the derogatory remarks made by actor Mansoor Ali Khan towards actress Trisha Krishnan. We’re taking suo motu in this matter directing the DGP (Director General of Police) to invoke IPC Section 509 B (Sexual harassment by electronic mode) and other relevant laws. Such remarks normalize violence against women and must be condemned.”