Indian cinema is abuzz with excitement for the upcoming film Spirit, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga and starring Prabhas. Known for his works Arjun Reddy , Kabir Singh and Animal, Vanga’s collaboration with Prabhas has created high expectations among fans.
Adding to the excitement, recent rumors suggest that Korean star Don Lee may play the antagonist, heightening the anticipation even further.
Recently, the music work for Spirit has commenced, marking the early stages of production. Producer Bhushan Kumar has confirmed that Vanga is diligently working on the script, aiming for a compelling storyline. Kumar revealed that Spirit is set to go on floors in early 2025, with a grand muhurat launch event planned for December.
Kumar also mentioned that the Spirit shoot will proceed at a fast pace, as the team intends to complete production efficiently. Given Vanga’s meticulous approach, fans can expect a powerful and impactful narrative.
Furthermore, Kumar hinted that once Spirit wraps up, Vanga will quickly move on to his next project, Animal Park, showcasing his commitment to delivering back-to-back unique stories to Indian cinema.
With Spirit on the horizon, fans of Prabhas, Sandeep Vanga, and now potentially Don Lee, are eager to see how this ambitious project unfolds. If the production schedule stays on track, Spirit could hit theaters by the end of next year, marking another exciting milestone for Indian cinema.