The Teaser of Sikandar, the upcoming film of Salman Khan and A.R. Murugadoss was released yesterday by the makers. The Teaser showed Salman Khan bashing the baddies dressed in Samurai clothes in his style with a kick-ass BGM. The Teaser has also clocked nearly 42 Million views on YouTube becoming the 5th most viewed Indian Teaser in 24 hours.
In the category of the most viewed Teasers in 24 hours, Salaar tops the list with nearly 83 Million views followed by Adipurush with nearly 68.9 Million views, KGF Chapter 2 with 68.8 Million views, Radhe Shyam with 42.7 Million views. Interestingly Pushpa 2 Teaser has now been broken and replaced by Sikandar with 42 Million views. With these views, it also becomes the most viewed Bollywood Teaser in 24 hours which was held by Dunki starring Shah Rukh Khan until now with 36.8 Million views.
The response to Sikandar Teaser is a big boost up for the team especially for the Director, A.R. Murugadoss who hasn’t made his mark in the recent past years. He will also be pumped up with the response to go ahead big for the rest of the shoot. Sikandar is slated for release on Eid next year.
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