Senior Tollywood actor Chalapathi Rao passed away on Sunday morning (December 25) after suffering a cardiac arrest. He was 78 years old. Chalapathi Rao is one of the best-known character artists and villains in the Telugu film industry and has worked with several generations of leading stars over the last 5 decades.
His son Ravi Babu is also an actor, filmmaker, and producer in Tollywood. Rao starred in innumerable films including Yamagola, Yugapurushudu, Driver Ramudu, Sarada Ramudu, Justice Chowdary, and Bobbili Puli. He also played supporting roles in films like State Rowdy, Donga Ramudu, Allari Alludu, Ninne Pelladutha, Allari, and Nuvve Kavali
His death has engulfed the Telugu film industry in grief and shock with eminent film personalities sharing their deepest condolences.
He is survived by his wife Indumaty, and their three children, one of whom is the actor-filmmaker Ravi Babu. Chalapathy Rao’s funeral will be held at Mahaprasthanam in Hyderabad after the arrival of his daughter from the USA.