Saindhav was made on a very huge budget and Venkatesh was seen in a completely action-packed avatar with the film also featuring a big star cast. Initially, the film was planned for Christmas but due to Salaar, it was postponed to Sankranthi release. When it was moved to Sankranthi, everyone felt Saindhav team was taking a huge risk as the genre was not suitable for Sankranthi and the other three films’ genre were apt for family audiences.
It was clear way before the release that Saindhav was going to be the least preferred film for audiences and when the public talk and reviews opened below par, it failed to get the audiences to theatres even on festival days. The action thriller ended up as a big disaster with a single-digit closing share worldwide.
After the debacle in theatres, the movie was released in OTT within 3 weeks of release. The makers hoped for a revival of sorts in digital streaming. Few films may not work in theatres but in OTT they manage to impress and Saindhav makers hoped the same.
Saindhav was streamed on Amazon Prime Video from 3rd February. Shockingly, the film is getting poorer talk and response than theatres. From theatrical audiences, it had received below-par and poor responses. But from OTT audiences most of the responses are disastrous. They feel the film failed to connect emotionally or engage in action.