SS Rajamouli’s Action RRR’s journey to the Oscars came to the final stage. The film, which broke several records and won worldwide acclaim, will entertain everyone at the Oscars 2023. The chartburster song Naatu Naatu received a nomination for the Best Original Song category. It is nominated along with songs by Rihanna and Lady Gaga.
The Academy also announced that Naatu Naatu will be performed live on the Oscars stage. Ever since the announcement was made, fans have been very excited. Here are the details about when and where you can enjoy the live performance of Oscars.
The Oscars 2023 will be held on Sunday, March 12, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. In India, viewers can watch the prestigious award ceremony live on the OTT platform Disney+ Hot star on March 13 at 5.30 a.m. The show will also be available on their official YouTube channel. Viewers can also get regular updates from The Academy’s official Twitter account.
India has a considerable impact at the Academy Awards this year, with many from the film industry performing, presenting, or being nominated for an award. Apart from Naatu Naatu being nominated for the Best Original Song category, India has received many other nominations.
Shaunak Sen and Aman Mann’s ‘All That Breathes’ has been nominated for Best Documentary Feature, while Kartiki Gonsalves and Guneet Monga’s ‘The Elephant Whisperers’ has been nominated for Best Documentary Short Film. ‘Chhello Show’ (Last Film Show) is a regional language (Gujarati) film that was chosen as India’s Official Entry for the Best International Feature Film category at the 95th Academy Awards, but it didn’t make the cut.