Ram Pothineni’s cop drama The Warrior has been subject to hurdles even before the release of the film. Earlier, the theatrical rights of the film were valued at 18 crores for the Andhra region, and 6 crores for Ceeded and Nizam in the range of 12-13 crores.
But, due to the rampant rains in AP and Telangana, the team has been forced to revise the theatrical rights. From 18 crores, the theatrical rights for Andhra Pradesh(6 territories) have been revised to 16 crores.
Other regions in Andhra Pradesh and the main territory Nizam have also been revised. Nizam has been revised from 10% to 15%. With only a day left for the release, the advance bookings for the film have also been shockingly low, and only extremely positive talk can help the film’s business.
The Warrior stars Aadi Pinishetty and Krithi Shetty in crucial roles. N Linguswamy is the director of this bi-lingual film. DSP is the music director of the film.