Rajinikanth, the Tamil superstar, met with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at his residence to watch his recently released film ‘Jailer’. This encounter caught many people surprised. However, Rajinikanth’s actions during this meet has sparked a major controversy as a video of him touching Yogi Adityanath’s feet went viral on the internet.
In the viral video making rounds on social media websites, the Tamil superstar is seen touching Yogi’s feet as he arrives at his residence in Lucknow. The gesture has caused division among netizens, his fans, and the Tamil public. A few are supporting Rajini while another section of netizens is strongly opposing it.
Someone said the reason is that Rajinikanth is younger than Yogi, if not, why would the Tamil superstar touch the UP CM’s feet? Those who did not find any fault in Rajinikanth’s gesture said that it is common for Hindus to touch the feet of a spiritual leader.
Generally, In Hindu culture, touching someone’s foot is a sign of respect and humility. Although it embodies profound values, a star hero and especially a man like Rajinikanth who is considered as a god by his countless fans touching Yogi Adityanath’s feet might have been misunderstood by them.