Pushpa 2 faces continuous shooting hurdles. It is widely known that Allu Arjun and Sukumar’s Pushpa 2 is the most anticipated film in Indian Cinema. Not only the fans of Icon Star, even all audiences want to watch the movie on screen as soon as possible. However, Pushpa 2 faces continuous shooting hurdles.
It is widely known that the makers have announced Pushpa 2 for 15th August release. But practically, there is no possibility for the film to come on the said release date, as there are many hurdles in the film’s shooting.
The main issues are the health issues of Allu Arjun and Sukumar. Due to this, the shooting schedules have been continuously postponed, and a few times got cancelled also. Both Sukumar and Allu Arjun are very particular about each scene. So, because of this, in each shooting schedule many shots are going to re-shoot.
Mostly, there is no possibility for the film to be released in this year. Forget the release, even completing the shoot in this year appears to be tough at the moment. Pushpa 2 is likely to hit screens in next summer.
Reportedly, the film’s planned budget will be doubled at the end of shooting. But the producers are okay with this as they know the film will do massive business, so any budget can workout on Pushpa The Rule.