With multiple films lined up for Sankranthi release, there is a huge competition for theatres and a suspense on which movie will stand above others. Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram, Teja Sajja and Prashanth Varma’s Hanuman, Venkatesh’s Saindhav, Ravi Teja’s Eagle, and Nagarjuna’s Naa Saami Ranga are in the race to Sankranthi supremacy. While this is great news for movie lovers, the makers are now caught in quite a dilemma regarding movie theatre allocation.
To solve this, a meeting took place some days ago where Dil Raju and other producers discussed a solution to this. A few movies were asked to change the release date and one movie was requested to postpone. But nothing has happened and the meeting failed. Now everyone is facing struggles to get their required number of Theatres and the business is also getting affected.
Now a final meeting will be happening tomorrow [5th January] regarding the Sankranthi release dates. We need to see whether things get settled or not. It will also be interesting to see if all the producers will attend this or not since Hanuman producer Niranjan Reddy Kandagatla did not attend the previous meeting.
He is now facing theatres issue and he needs to attend tomorrow’s meeting and sort out the issues. The industry circles are saying that one movie will be postponed and that could be Eagle. We’ll have to wait till tomorrow to get complete clarity.