Malayalam blockbusters Premalu and Manjummel Boys are ruling the roost at the theatres. Recently, the Malayam industry has become the talk of the Indian cinema industry as they delivered 3 continuous blockbusters with Bramayugam being the third one apart from Premalu and Manjummel Boys.
Malayalam film industry is known for delivering quality cinema in limited budgets and Premalu and Manjummel Boys once again re-affirmed this belief. Premalu’s budget is said to be less than 10 Cr and it has collected close to 125 Cr gross till now.
The film emerged as a massive hit in Malayalam and managed to run to superb occupancies and continuous audience love in both Kerala as well as Tamil Nadu. Set in Hyderabad, Premalu follows the life of two youngsters played by Nalsen and Mamitha and their dynamics and blossoming love.
Manjummel Boys is the current industry hit of Mollywood and was shot on less than 20 Cr budget and it has managed to collect close to 215 Cr gross. The Telugu version of Manjummel Boys is releasing on 6th of April and the makers are confident that Telugu version will achieve great success the same way Premalu Telugu version did.
Directed by Chidambaram, Manjummel Boys, the film revolves around a real-life incident and is a survival drama featuring a group of men from Ernakulam in Kerala. Sreenath Bhasi, Soubin Shahir, Ganapathi, Balu Varghese and Jean Paul Lal, among others, play prominent roles in the movie.
Both Premalu and Manjummel Boys have collected more than 10 times of their budgets. This is a phenomenal achievement and proof that quality content will certainly reach the audience.