Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming projects have got the whole industry’s attention and fans are eager to see him in back-to-back movies. After Krish’s Hari Hara Veera Mallu, he has Sujeeth’s untitled project along with Harish Shankar’s film. The Power Star has committed to multiple projects from different producers and the series of announcements made last year gave immense energy to his massive fanbase. An exciting directors’ lineup has been finalized for these films.
Recently his project with Sujeeth was announced and very soon, a film with Harish Shankar will be officially launched. But the question remains when will these films go into the shooting phase? On one hand, Pawan Kalyan announced his bus tour in January for his election campaign. Naturally, once this starts he can not back again to the sets, and the producers and directors are wondering how he will provide the dates for the movies. This is creating a lot of confusion for movie producers and directors.
As of now, the Janasena chief is focusing exclusively on Hari Hara Veera Mallu and because of this, producers are not getting any updates from him.