Nandamuri Kalyan Ram is looking to score big at the box office and has lined up a couple of interesting projects next. He will be seen in the period action drama Bimbisara next. The recently released trailer raised netizens’ interest in this film and the makers are hoping this film gives Kalyan Ram a much-eluded hit.
Malladi Vashist has directed this project which will see Catherine Tresa and Smyukhta Menon star in lead roles. Nandamuri Kalyan Ram’s home production NTR Arts is producing this film.
While Bimbisara is creating a positive buzz in trade circles, some interesting developments have happened on his next film NKR19. Very little is known about this film but as per reports, a leading distributor is in talks to bag the entire south India rights for this film for Rs 12 crores.
Mythri Movie Makers will bankroll this project and the title and full cast and crew details will be announced soon.