There have been a lot of rumors floating around regarding JR.NTR’S next untitled project NTR30. Since the disastrous run of Acharya at the cinemas, Koratala Siva’s value has gone down considerably. Instead of focusing on his scripts, he has had to focus on paying back his distributors for the losses.
There were rumors spreading that NTR30 is in trouble due to Acharya but producer Kalyan Ram has made it clear that NTR30 is on track and that there are no issues. He also said that updates will be announced at the right time.
There was also a rumor that Koratala is failing to impress NTR with the full script but this seems to be false news as well. Koratala needs a massive comeback in the form of NTR30 and there is no better man than JR.NTR to help him out.
Kalyan Ram also stated that NTR30 will be a huge spectacle and it will be a treat for the fans. The fury of NTR will be seen throughout the film.
Meanwhile, Kalyan Ram’s entire focus is currently on Bimbisara’s release in theatres. The film has been released today and is expected to open with record high numbers for Kalyan Ram. If the movie gets a positive word of mouth, it will surely pull audiences to the theatres.