Mansoor Ali Khan made personal allegations against Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan. It is widely known that the recent comments of Mansoor Ali Khan about Trisha had sparked a big Controversy. Many celebs from the Kollywood industry and Chiranjeevi from Telugu reacted strongly and condemned Mansoor’s words. When everyone thought it was over, Mansoor Ali Khan made personal allegations against Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan.
Mansoor Ali Khan took a U-turn after he apologized to the heroine Trisha. As said above, his latest comments have sparked a controversy. ‘Leo’ director Lokesh Kanagaraj, megastar Chiranjeevi, young hero Nithin, actress Khushboo, heroine Malavika Mohanan, and others took to social media to support Trisha. Mansoor Ali Khan apologized as the controversy escalated. Then he said, ‘To make a mistake is humanity… To forgive is divinity,” Trisha said.
Everyone thought that the controversy had come to a complete stop. During this time, Mansoor Ali Khan opened up another new controversy. The Telugu fans were shocked as Mansoor Ali Khan made personal allegations against Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan.
Mansoor commented that Chiranjeevi calls all the old heroines once a year to parties, but Chiru has yet to invite him. He said that Chiranjeevi should have at least called him and asked where things went wrong. He also alleged that Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan had crooked minds as they launched political parties and minted thousands of crores.
Mansoor Ali Khan recently revealed a case against Trisha, Chiranjeevi, and Khushboo will be registered. Through his lawyer, Guru Dhananjay, he has released a letter stating that he will file a case in a Chennai court on Monday.