Lokesh Kanagaraj condemns Mansoor’s repulsive comments on women. It is widely known that the Tamil actor Mansoor Ali Khan’s disgusting remarks about Trisha sparked massive controversy in Kollywood Circles. Actress Trisha strongly condemned the awful remarks of Mansoor, and after that, Lokesh Kanagaraj condemned Mansoor’s repulsive comments on women.
Soon after Trisha’s response, her director supported her and condemned Khan’s behavior. “Disheartened and enraged to hear the misogynistic comments made by Mr Mansoor Ali Khan, given that we all worked in the same team. Respect for women, fellow artists, and professionals should be a non-negotiable in any industry, and I absolutely condemn this behavior,” Kanagaraj posted. In Leo, Khan took on the role of a prisoner on death row.
Mansoor Ali Khan also made some comments on Leos’s success meet. He said, “I accepted the movie, hearing Trisha is the heroine. I thought there would be the usual stuff, but I didn’t even get a scene with Trisha. Then I saw Madonna and felt happy. I thought we’d play and enjoy the sets. Then Lokesh gave her a character who is like a sister to me.”
At that time, everyone thought he was saying all those remarks funnily, But his latest comments show that Success Meet’s speech was also intentional. That is why Lokesh Kanagaraj condemned Mansoor’s repulsive comments on women.