It is widely known that Lokesh Kanagaraj and Thalapathy Vijay’s upcoming action thriller Leo is surrounded by massive expectations. Even before 19 Days to its release, the film has already created a DAY 1 RECORD by collecting £250,520 through advance bookings. Now even in the USA, Leo’s bookings are on a rampage mode, and it is heading towards a million-dollar premiere.
The advance sales for premiers already crossed 250K$ and the tickets are selling at a rapid pace. Thalapathy Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj’s magical combo is working so big and, undoubtedly, Leo is the biggest hyped movie from Kollywood in recent times. At this pace, the film will definitely join the 1 million dollar club premiers and the trade is expecting even expecting more. Wherever the bookings are opening, Leo is setting new benchmarks.
If the early reports are accurate, the film, which is director Lokesh Kanagaraj’s next project after the blockbuster Vikram, is expected to be a great success at the box office. Most of the internal talk regarding the project has been highly positive.
Rajinikanth’s Jailer’s blockbuster performance has caused a stir in the Kollywood market, and fans are anticipating Vijay’s Leo to generate greater collections. This film is highly regarded by both insiders and trade circles, and the advance bookings in the UK and USA market are proof of the massive anticipation for Vijay’s Leo.