Karthi’s year so far has been quite eventful and successful. After successful box-office outing with Viruman, he was seen in Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan 1. Karthi’s performance in the film was one of the highlights and the movie went on to become an all-time blockbuster in Tamil.
Now, with Sardar, Karthi has extended his box-office dream run. The film collected 100 crore+ gross and Karthi’s performance as an ex-RAW agent was loved by all. His dual role in the film impressed all and made stunning box-office numbers worldwide.
The film was released on October 21st worldwide. It has Karthi playing two characters, with one of them being the role of a spy. It is wrapped in a socially relevant message about the significance of water.
After its big screen run, the film has made its way to OTT. Sardar is streaming on Aha in Telugu and Tamil. Chunkey Pandey, Laila, Rajisha Vijayan and Raashi Khanna among others star in this action thriller directed by P.S. Mithran.