In movies nothing is permanent, all it takes is just one Friday to turn the tables. Similar situation happening in Kollywood between Superstar Rajinikanth and Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan. Though these legends enjoyed superstardom and competed at box office during 70s to 90s, since then Rajinikanth dominated due to the kind of movies he did.
Kamal Hassan was more into movies that catered to specific sect of audiences and genre lovers.This scene has completely changed after recent blockbuster Vikram directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The movie was produced and acted by Kamal got huge response and collected millions of rupees across lengths and breadths of South india and foreign markets as well. This not only made Kamal to supersede his friend Rajinikanth but also put an existential question in Rajini’s career path.
Though Rajinikanth still enjoys significant box office stamina, his latest movies didn’t evoke much interest. He delivered a couple of mediocre movies in the past and what in the store are equally unexciting. He had signed a film called Jailer with Nelson who delivered a dud with Vijay in the form of Beast, Rajinikanth is also supposed to do a cameo in a movie directed by his daughter. Another movie with don fame Cibi Chakravarti is also not drawing attention of movie lovers.
On the other hand, Kamal got his stalled project Indian 2 get a fresh start, he also signed a movie with H Vinoth who rose to fame with Theeran Adhigaram Ondru(khakhi in telugu).
Another latest news has been confirmed just now, that Maniratnam is making a movie with Kamal again after 35 years of Nayagan. This would be a sensational project in Kollywood as Maniratnam is enjoying a thunderous success as well in the form of PS1.
Hope there is a silver lining in Rajinikanth career as well, so that a line of happening directors queue up at his door. Its been a longtime since Rajinikanth has shown his super stardom especially to the gen Z.