Mythri Movie Makers’ Naveen Yerneni and Ravi Shankar recently confirmed that they had signed the director of blockbuster Pathaan, Siddharth Anand, for a mega Hindi project. The movie will star Prabhas in the lead. Now it has been confirmed that Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan will also be co-starring in this project and fans will get see Prabhas and Hrithik Roshan together
Siddharth Anand earlier directed Hrithik Roshan in War, which was a blockbuster. The film is expected to go on floors in 2024. This multistarrer will definitely be the biggest of Indian cinema and looking at Siddharth Anand’s filmmaking style, both Prabhas and Hrithik Roshan will definitely be seen in a stylish avatar on screen.
Currently, Prabhas has a long lineup of projects with Aadipurush and Salaar slated to release next. This will be followed by Project K and director Maruthi film and Spirit under Sandeep Vanga’s direction. Now with Siddharth Anand’s project being added to the list, Prabhas surely has the most enviable filmography for the next couple of years.
In the last few years, Mythri Movie Makers have emerged as a name to reckon with in Tollywood. The production house has produced some of the biggest Telugu blockbusters with the biggest stars in the industry and now with this grand Bollywood entry, Mythri is definitely going to create a giant storm at the box-office.