Udhayanidhi Stalin’s latest movie, Maamannan, has become a blockbuster at the box office, and it gave a beautiful opportunity for Udhayanidhi Stalin to end his career on a high note as he quits his career after this film. The film is directed by Maari Selvaraj, who is known for critically acclaimed and at the same time box office hits like Pariyerum Perumal and Karnan.
For Maamannan Udhayanidhi Stalin himself had requested director Mari selvaraj to make a film with him as he was quitting the movies for politics. Now his decision has worked perfectly well as Maamannan film became a massive success, and it is performing extremely well even on the weekend with collecting unbelievable numbers at the box office.
Udhayanidhi Stalin is now super happy for ending his cine career on a high note with a film like Maamannan. Owing to the film’s massive success over the weekend, the hero of Maamannan, Udhayanidhi Stalin has gifted the director Mari Selvaraj with a costly car.
After watching Mari Selvaraj’s debut film Pariyerum Perumal, Stalin had a long discussion with him. When Mari finally approached Stalin, he was apprehensive whether Stalin will accept a role like this. But the actor agreed almost instantly, and now his decision has paid off very well.
Apart from comedian and actor Vadivelu, Maamannan stars Udhayanidhi Stalin, Fahaad Faasil in the lead roles along with Keerthy Suresh.