Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram is now getting ready for its digital premiere. The film was released for Sankrathi and despite unfavourable reviews and initial talk emerged as an above-average box office fare with a worldwide closing share of Rs 114.3 crores. Guntur Kaaram will be streamed on Netflix from 9th February and will be released in Telugu, Tamil, Malayala, Kannada and Hindi. The global OTT giant has officially announced Guntur Kaaram online streaming details.
The film’s digital streaming rights were bought by Netflix for a record price in Mahesh Babu’s career. According to the streaming deal, the film was scheduled to stream 4 weeks after the theatrical release. The Netflix team announced the streaming just on the brink on 4 weeks.
The film now joins other biggies like Animal and Salaar to make its way to Netflix in recent times. Directed by Trivikram, the action entertainer also stars Sreeleela, Ramya Krishna, Prakash Raj, Jayaram, and Meenakshi Choudhary among others. SS Thaman composed music for this film bankrolled under Haarika ana Haasine Creations banner.
Vekatesh’s Saindhav which was also released alongside Guntur Kaaram has already made its OTT debut on 3rd February. Sivakarthikeyan’s Ayalaan and Dhanush’s Captain Miller are other films Sankranthi films that will be soon making their way to small screens. Now all eyes are on Guntur Kaaram online debut.