Shahrukh Khan’s Pathaan is gearing up for release next week and apart from fans’ anticipation, the movie is also facing certain security threats from some groups. The film’s first single ‘Besharam Rang’ came under severe attacks and threats with some ruling party supporters threatening to stop the screening of the movie on its release.
BJP leaders have made several threats against Pathaan Because of Deepika’s costumes in the song and it has created unnecessary disturbances for the film. The multiplex association recently has written a letter to the home minister of Gujarat for the protection of cinema halls as some people are trying to stop the screening of Shahrukh Khan’s Pathaan on release day which is 25th January.
Now Gujarat Government has assured Police Protection to Cinema Owners & Multiplex Association of Gujarat to ensure the smooth release of Pathaan on January 25. Additionally, the Home Minister has sent a letter to police stations issuing the orders to provide complete security arrangements.
Pathaan marks Shahrukh Khan’s return to the big screens after 4 years. He was last seen in a lead role in Anand L Rai’s Zero. The advance bookings for Pathaan are going on in full swing and this action-thriller co-starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham is on its way to a bumper opening.