Vishwak Sen and Neha Shetty starrer Gangs of Godavari was released last week to mixed reviews and word of mouth. Despite the mixed talk, the film did a strong business at the box office. The film also stars Anjali, Nasser, Sai Kumar and Goparaju Ramana among others.
The film did more than 2/3 recovery on its release weekend but struggled on weekdays. The upcoming weekend which will be the film’s 2nd weekend is quite important for the film’s success. While the film is in its theatrical run, the details of its OTT release are out. Gangs of Godavari’s digital rights have been bought by Netflix. The film is likely to be streamed from 22nd June onwards.
Directed by Krishna Chaitanya, Gangs of Godavari is an action entertainer set amidst a rural backdrop and features Sai Kumar, Goparaju Ramana, Nasser, and Hyper Aadi among others. The film’s music has been composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja which managed to attract good buzz before release.