Dunki OTT streaming date is said to be locked. Shahrukh Khan’s recent comedy-drama Dunki is making its way to the small screens. The film was released alongside Salaar last December and will be streaming on OTT platforms very soon. Dunki brought together the biggest combination of Bollywood in recent times with Raj Kumar Hirani joining hands with Shahrukh Khan.
There were massive expectations for the movie right from the day of the announcement. But the combo failed to create the magic on the big screen. The sad part is even promotions failed to excite the audience.
One of the main problems with Dunki was its genre which could not excite the audience and along with it, the competition with a mass entertainer like Salaar resulted in the film’s failure. Dunki failed to collect even half of Shahrukh’s recent blockbusters like Pathaan and Jawan.
While Dunki failed to reach the audience through its theatrical release, film lovers are eagerly waiting for the OTT release. The OTT streaming rights were bought by Jio Cinema and the streaming date is said to be 16th February.
Considering the budget the film works so big for Shahrukh Khan and Raj Kumar Hirani. They have produced the film, and making cost of the film is said to be in the range of 85Cr without their remunerations. The film has a huge non-theatrical business and decent theatrical numbers.