Devil is quite a prestigious project and a big-budget film in Kalyan Ram’s career. The film was made on a 45Cr+ budget and when there’s so much money involved, having a proper release date is extremely crucial. The teams should ideally opt for a solo release or festival release for these films. But the makers of Devil locked 29th December as the release date which has the Salaar effect as well as upcoming Sankranthi releases effect.
Even though the film got a decent talk and reviews, the audience is not turning up as most of the audience have an interest in Salaar and Sankranthi releases like Guntur Kaaram and others. Devil will be replaced in all theatres in just 2 weeks for Sankranthi’s release which is a pretty bad sign for this film.
All these scenarios are very bad for the Devil. The film was released yesterday and opened with average word of mouth and reviews. The release date has put the movie at a huge risk as crores of money is riding on this project.
Devil needs to collect 20Cr+ shares for breakeven and yesterday it opened with less than 2Cr shares and there is no jump in today’s bookings. If the same momentum continues then it will end up as a single-digit closing share. The team should have opted for a better release date but made a big mistake by releasing on 29th December