Nani’s Dasara has created just the right buzz and excitement before its release and the team will be hoping the momentum keeps on. The film’s recently released trailer and promotional content have worked to the film’s advantage and this is why the trade circle has shown great interest in the project with pre-release business bringing record numbers for a Nani movie.
In each and every area Dil Raju is quoting high prices and demand is also very good. Ceeded area has fetched the makers a solid 6.5Cr (6.3 Cr + 20L Expenses). The Ceeded rights have been bought by Lakshmi Kanth and this is a record business by a big margin. A similar case is being repeated in other areas as well and expectations are huge for this project.
Directed by Srikanth Odela, Dasara also stars Keerthy Suresh, Sai Kumar, and Shine Tom Chacko among others. The movie is set against the backdrop of Singareni coal mines near Godavarikhani in Telangana.
The music for the movie has been composed by Santosh Narayanan and produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri of Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Creations. The film is set to be released worldwide on March 30, 2023.