Balakrishna and Bobby upcoming film, Daaku Maharaaj is all set for release on 12th January next year during the Sankranthi season. Daaku Maharaaj’s promotional acitivities have already begun officially with the team releasing the first single, The Rage of Daaku recently. Now, Daaku Maharaaj’s Second Single, Chinni is arriving soon on YouTube.
Chinni will be out on 23rd December as confirmed by the makers. Thaman S who has been supplying charbuster albums for Balakrishna in the recent years is expected to deliver another one with this. The Rage of Daaku has already struck well with the mass audience also elevating the theme of the film. Chinni is all set to present the family vibe of the film which was also seen from the poster. Balakrishna is seen walking alongwith a girl on her way to the school.
The teaser of Daaku Maharaaj has created the necessary buzz gaining more than 13 Million views on YouTube. Thet trailer will also be released soon mostly during the New Year day. Director Bobby is pumped up with his previous blockbuster Waltair Veerayya and looks to repeat it again with Daaku Maharaaj.