Megastar Chiranjeevi’s meeting with AP Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy has turned out to be a fruitful one. Speaking about his meeting, he said that the discussions held with the CM were quite fruitful. “The Chief Minister and I discussed at length the challenges being faced by Tollywood and he was quite receptive,” said Chiranjeevi.
Chiranjeevi also cautioned his film industry peers from making any statements till a solution comes out.
“I am expecting a positive decision from the government within a week or 10 days. I request representatives of the film industry to refrain from issuing any kind of statements on the issue, says Chiranjeevi,” he said. He further said that CM Jagan also assured that he’ll rethink on the G.O 35 that has created so many troubles for the industry.
The duo will be discussing the concerns of the industry over a lunch meeting in Amaravati. Among these concerns, the ticket pricing issue will be of topmost priority. The ‘Acharya’ actor said that a solution will come in 7-10 days and everyone must exercise patience. He also informed that the CM will invite film chamber representatives and exhibitors to discuss issues in detail.