Nandamuri Kalyan Ram’s latest movie ‘Bimbisara’ was released with good expectations and this film became a massive success at the box office. It was released worldwide on August 5, 2022 and created a nice impression among the audience and at the box office as well.
The film, which has already completed its theatrical run, is currently streaming on OTT. The movie is streaming on Zee5 from October 21 and was dropped as a Diwali gift. Recently Bimbisara was aired on ZEE Telugu on January 8 and it received an excellent TRP Rating on its world television premiere.
World Television Premiere of Bimbisara On ZEE Telugu received 11.46 TRP In Urban and 9.45 TRP In U+R Markets. This is indeed a sensational achievement.
Bimbisara was directed by Mallidi Vashista. Catherine Tresa and Samyukta Menon acted as heroines in this film. After a long time, Kalyan Ram got a a solid hit with this movie. Kalyan Ram performed very well in two different roles as Bimbisara and Devadatta in the film.
Nandamuri Kalyan Ram is not only known as a hero, but he has proved himself as a producer with exceptional taste in the industry. He produced Bimbisara under the banner of NTR Arts.