During the promotions of her latest film Virata Parvam, Sai Pallavi made an erratic statement regarding Kashmir Files and the Gorakshas. She said that there is no difference between what happened to the Hindu Pandits in Kashmir Files and the Muslim driver who was beaten for carrying cows in a truck.
This sparked outrage on social media, with many people upset with her statement. A case was filed against Sai Pallavi in Sultan Bazaar Police station on the complaint of a Bajrang Dal member. The case was filed on the grounds of hurting religious sentiments.
With this, the police issued a notice to Sai Pallavi on June 21st. In this order, she approached the Telangana High Court seeking cancellation of the police notices. However, the High Court rejected Sai Pallavi’s plea and dismissed her petition for the same.
Sai Pallavi also clarified the context behind her statement and apologized to the people. On the other hand, Sai Pallavi is now busy with the promotions of her next movie, titled Gargi. Sai Pallavi also clarified the context behind her statement and apologized to the people.