Pushpa is in its final stages of post-production and gearing up for release on December 17th. The trailer has been a rage on the internet and the songs have been topping the charts for weeks now. Everything is super positive for the film but there is only one issue haunting the producers, ticket prices in Andhra Pradesh.
Recently, AP Government issued a GO capping the ticket prices. The ticket prices are as low as 10/- in some D centers. Many trade pundits voiced their opinion that it is not at all viable to run AC theatres in some B, C and D centers. A delegation from the producers/distributors met minister Perni Nani but nothing good came from that meeting. In previous government’s tenure, distributors used to go to court and get permission for ticket hikes for a week or two and it used to be a regular practice.
Team Pushpa waited to see if AP Government revises the GO but with no indication from them, decided to approach the High Court seeking permission for ticket hikes. They faced a huge set back from AP Government and immediately revoked the decision to approach the court. As per our sources, AP Government has warned the producers of Pushpa that if they approach the courts, Government will start raiding the theatres. It is an open fact that many theatres don’t even have proper licenses. So, if the Government plays hard ball, it is very difficult for the business of films in the state. The Govt. also pointed that Akhanda had extra shows and ticket hikes in a few centers and they didn’t bat an eye on that.
The producers recently revealed in a press meet that they will follow the Government orders and also commented that the films will be affected due to low pricing. With RRR, Radhe Shyam and other biggies lined up for release, it would be interesting to see if TFI producers take a different approach to tackle this issue.