Allu Arjun’s AAA cinemas opened last week with the screening of Adipurush. Film lovers and industry insiders have appreciated the latest multiplex in the city for its projection facilities and technical prowess. AAA Cinemas also has something special for the Icon Star fans in form of a lounge where the star’s awards and memorabilia have been kept for display.
Apart from these facilities, AAA Cinemas is fast becoming a popular option for film industry events. Nikhil’s Spy trailer launch event will be held tomorrow in AAA cinemas. This will be the first event to be held in the auditorium. Till now most of the promotional events happened in AMB cinemas now AAA cinemas becomes a new option for industry people.
AAA Cinemas has a total of 5 screens. Screen 1 is of 67ft in height and has Barco laser projection with ATMOS sound. Screen 2 is an EPIQ Luxon screen with ATMOS SOUND. The rest of the screens have 4K projection and all screens are equipped with Dolby 7.1 sound. AAA Cinemas will be a treat for all cinema-goers in Hyderabad.
The multiplex was inaugurated after a pooja on the 14th of June, followed by the opening of the mall, cinemas, and Foodcourt on the 15th by Telangana’s Cinematography Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav and Allu Arjun himself.