Allu Arjun not wishing Ram Charan on his birthday, has been the hot topic on social media as the fans of Ram Charan are unhappy with Allu Arjun not wishing their favorite hero on his birthday. Also the former did not attend the party at that night. Charan fans felt more angry when Allu Arjun, on the immediate next day, took to his Twitter account to post his tweet about the 20 years journey in the Telugu Film Industry.
This has raised the doubts in fans and netizens that Allu Arjun has intentionally missed the birthday wish post and the mega fans are angry about this entire issue. The anger of Charan fans is justified here.
Because whenever it comes to mega-films or their movie-related reactions these days, Icon star Allu Arjun makes sure he answers one day later. Even for the RRR Oscar award, he posted the congratulations message on his Twitter only a day later, drawing everyone’s attention.
But no one would have thought he would even postpone the birthday wishes as well, as he didn’t put up any tweet for Mega Power Star Ram Charan on his birthday the other day. Neither he wrote anything on social media for his beloved brother, nor he was seen at the star-studded birthday party that took place at Megastar Chiranjeevi’s residence last night.
Earlier, Allu Arjun stated that the reason for mega heroes not appearing together for each other’s movies functions is to not give the audience a feeling of self-promoting themselves. However, one would not understand if a birthday wish is also subject to the same law, say some angry Ram Charan fans.